Charge’s leather saddle is a thing of real beauty. It’s also faux leather, thus easing my meat avoiding conscience. It’s so beautiful in fact it won’t be finding its way onto my bike. Instead it’ll be taking pride of place as a feature in the flat – my own crown jewels. Lighting setup after the ‘continue reading’.
I’ll start from the back. There’s a 60cm softbox firing behind the red paper (which then had the shadows pulled right down in editing, hence the dark edges). Up high and to the right and behind the saddle is an Alien Bee 800W with a 7″ reflector. To the left is a softboxed Alien Bee 800W, level but slightly behind the saddle. Directly under the saddle is another softboxed head. Lastly there’s a zoomed Metz 44 aimed at the rear right of the saddle (you can see the catch light where it’s lit). The saddle was suspended from a boom arm with fishing line.

January 9, 2012